Thursday, April 8, 2010

Waiting vs. Weighting...

This is an old post from a few years ago that I wrote, but GOD has placed it on my heart to put it here in "The Purpose Place"....

Be Blessed!!!

I don't mind "Waiting" ("Weighting")

Greetings In the Matchless Name of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!!

As I sit here at my desk listening to a CD by Juanita Bynum (Weeks) Titled "A Piece of my Passion" there is a song that really ministers to my spirit titled "I don't Mind Waiting"

The Lyrics simply goes like this "I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting, I don't mind waiting , On the Lord"

Oh how mighty and powerful these words are

Let's look at what it means to "Wait"

1. do nothing expecting something to happen: to stay in one place or do nothing for a period of time until something happens or in the expectation or hope that something will happen

2. stop so somebody can catch up: to stop or slow down in order to allow somebody else to catch up Picture (Metafile) 3. be hoping for something:
to be hoping for something or on the lookout for something

4. be delayed or ignored for now: to be postponed or put off until later

5. be ready or available: to be ready or available for somebody to take or use Picture (Metafile) 6. delay something:
Now as I sat and read the definition of this word, I thought to myself "Lord I definitely know what it means and feel like to "Wait" on something"

Then I heard a still small spirit whisper you know how to "Wait" but do you know how to "Weight"?
I thought what a profound statement, so now lets take a look at the word "Weight"

1. heaviness: the quality of heaviness in things, determined by their mass or quantity of matter as acted on by the force of gravity, that counteracts efforts to lift or move them Picture (Metafile) 2. amount somebody or something weighs: the heaviness of a particular object or person

3. system for measuring heaviness: a system of standard measures of weight Picture (Metafile) 4.heavy load: a heavy load to carry Picture
(Metafile) 5.mental burden: a mental or moral burden or load

6.importance: importance, or power to influence or persuade Picture
(Metafile) 7. greater part: the preponderance or greater part of something

Then God began to speak to me and minister to my spirit and say that "In the process of "Waiting" you have to know how to carry the "Weight"

How many of us can relate to being in a season of "Waiting" Expecting something from God that we've prayed , claimed, professed, and commanded in Jesus name, but it seems like we were "Stuck" right in that season.
That's because "Spiritually" we are not "Strong" enough in our waiting season. We think we are strong and mighty in the spirit and we thing that we can take on the things that we "Want" but God says "It's not time"

We don't understand when God tells us NO, or when he prolongs something that we want "Right Now" well how many of us know that most of the time we aren't ready for the "Right Now" blessing, really we couldn't "handle" the "Right Now" blessing.

Sometimes God is calling us to a season of just being Still, not doing anything , not "thinking" about anything , just a time of waiting...
Well you might say , but God I am so and so age, I've done so and so on my job and have been overlooked, I've been faithful in ministry, I've been faithful in my tithes and offering so why I am I still "Waiting"
It's because God is not ready for you to move because in your time of waiting , you are still carrying "DEAD WEIGHT!!!"

God is saying "If I can't trust you to carry that back stabbing person that lied or cheated on you , If I can't trust you to still minister my word although you might be under attack by the enemy , If I can't trust you to believe me to keep a roof over your head or your lights on even though you are tithing but "worrying" , If I can't trust you to just "Wait on me" then why should I trust you to bring you out of your season of "Waiting"

I hear God saying that "No , the WEIGHT of the world is not on your shoulder, it just feels that way" if you would spend more time with me , seeking my face, spreading my word, and living without anger, bitterness and strife, then and only then will you began to feel the "WEIGHT"
lifted and you will no longer have to "WAIT" because you will trust my word.

Today I want to encourage someone that has given up on life to ARISE, GET UP from your Pity Party and Praise God "RIGHT NOW" because You SHALL LIVE and NOT DIE!!

Today I want to encourage someone to Keep Declaring the Promotion on your job because You are not being overlooked, in fact you are being WATCHED while you "Wait" !!!

Today I encourage someone to Profess The Word of GOD over YOUR LIFE, YOUR FAMILY LIFE, YOUR CAREER, YOUR FINANCES , YOUR CHURCH, YOUR PASTOR and His Family, YOUR Co Workers, Your Neighbors , The Homeless, Your Enemies and Watch God BLESS YOU!!!

Here are a few scriptures to bonder on while you "WAIT the WEIGHT out"
Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he will strengthen your heart. Wait, I say , on the Lord.
Psalm 33:20 ,22 Our soul waits for the Lord: He is our help and our shield.
Let your mercy, O lord, be upon us as we wait for you.

Psalm 37;4 Wait on the Lord and Keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land.
Isaiah 30:18 There fore the Lord will wait, that he may be gracious to you; blessed are all those who wait for him.

Lamentations 3:25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks him Lamentations 3:26 It is good that one should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord Micah 7:7 Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my
salvation: my God will hear me
Hose 12:6 So you, the help of your God, return; observe mercy and justice , and wait on your God continually.

I pray that this word has BLESSED someone as it has certainly BLESSED me.

Wait, on the Lord I say, Wait on the Lord!

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