Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Woman with "Purpose"....

So, I got home the other day and my husband checked the mailbox (as usual... That's just one of those things "I" dread doing...) Anyway there was a nice Pink Envelope addressed to "Me"! It was an "Early Birthday Card" from one of my dearest sister friends (She is always so thoughtful!) When I opened the card, the "Artwork" was a beautiful piece of work of an African American Woman with Nice Big Pink Pretty Lips!!! I began to read the words on the card and my eyes filled with tears... (I'm a known tinky winky!) They went like this..

"A Woman who believes her own skin is the most comfortable place to be-who knows her worth is in loving herself and others- who find her personal joy in being purposeful and passionate about her journey- is a woman who lives life freely and generously- with a brilliance that is truly divine. You are that kind of woman- uplifting everyone with your presence.... Then the "Inside" of the card reads...
"That's why you're such an inspiration to see and why you deserve a beautiful birthday."

BOY! I can remember a time when I didn't feel worthy of ANY of those words!!!
My life was in complete and total chaos! I was miserable and didn't even want to feel better! I would just rather waddle in my "mess" and be "stressed"...

But there is a GOD, a GOD that will give you just what you need , when you need it...
A God that will lift your head and give you strength you didn't know you had, Confidence that has been buried deep down inside and he will give you Eyes to "See" your "Purpose"...

PURPOSE (according to is..) The reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc... It also states that Purpose is determination;resoluteness.

There is something about a Woman with "Purpose"...
A Woman with purpose KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS that first she must be a reflection of "God"...

People must be able to look at her and KNOW her "Worth"...

A Woman with purpose must have a "Plan", she must know WHO she is, WHAT her purpose is, WHEN to take action, and WHERE she is going...

Proverb 29;18 Where there is no vision, the people perish

A Woman with purpose must not have doubt, she must walk with her head erect, with grace and with confidence, she must trust in the Lord with all her heart and she must learn to trust "herself"...

Today I want to encourage you that if you have been have been dealing with not feeling "Worthy" , like you have no "Purpose" in this life to stop what you are doing, go look in the mirror and tell YOURSELF that YOU ARE IMPORTANT, that GOD Created you with a "PURPOSE and a PLAN"!

Write down what YOU feel YOUR Purpose is on this earth and began to take steps towards fulfilling that purpose and watch how Wonderful you will feel when you began to see the "transformation" that will began to take place.

Continue to Walk Blessed and Know "Who's You are and For What Reason he "Choose" YOU!

In His Service

1 comment:

  1. This is a great piece for your first blog.You are definitely a woman of PURPOSE!! I'm excited to see what God is doing in and through your life. Nothing but blessings to and your husband.
